Predefined Constants

The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.

SQLITE3_ASSOC (integer)
Specifies that the Sqlite3Result::fetchArray method shall return an array indexed by column name as returned in the corresponding result set.
SQLITE3_NUM (integer)
Specifies that the Sqlite3Result::fetchArray method shall return an array indexed by column number as returned in the corresponding result set, starting at column 0.
SQLITE3_BOTH (integer)
Specifies that the Sqlite3Result::fetchArray method shall return an array indexed by both column name and number as returned in the corresponding result set, starting at column 0.
Represents the SQLite3 INTEGER storage class.
SQLITE3_FLOAT (integer)
Represents the SQLite3 REAL (FLOAT) storage class.
SQLITE3_TEXT (integer)
Represents the SQLite3 TEXT storage class.
SQLITE3_BLOB (integer)
Represents the SQLite3 BLOB storage class.
SQLITE3_NULL (integer)
Represents the SQLite3 NULL storage class.
Specifies that the SQLite3 database be opened for reading only.
Specifies that the SQLite3 database be opened for reading and writing.
Specifies that the SQLite3 database be created if it does not already exist.
Specifies that a function created with SQLite3::createFunction is deterministic, i.e. it always returns the same result given the same inputs within a single SQL statement. (Available as of PHP 7.1.4.)