
Table of Contents

The SQLite3 class


A class that interfaces SQLite 3 databases.

Class synopsis

class SQLite3 {
/* Methods */
public bool busyTimeout ( int $msecs )
public int changes ( void )
public bool close ( void )
public __construct ( string $filename [, int $flags = SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE [, string $encryption_key = null ]] )
public bool createAggregate ( string $name , mixed $step_callback , mixed $final_callback [, int $argument_count = -1 ] )
public bool createCollation ( string $name , callable $callback )
public bool createFunction ( string $name , mixed $callback [, int $argument_count = -1 [, int $flags = 0 ]] )
bool enableExceptions ([ bool $enableExceptions = false ] )
public static string escapeString ( string $value )
public bool exec ( string $query )
public int lastErrorCode ( void )
public string lastErrorMsg ( void )
public int lastInsertRowID ( void )
public bool loadExtension ( string $shared_library )
public void open ( string $filename [, int $flags = SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE [, string $encryption_key = null ]] )
public resource open ( string $table , string $column , int $rowid [, string $dbname = "main" ] )
public SQLite3Stmt prepare ( string $query )
public SQLite3Result query ( string $query )
public mixed querySingle ( string $query [, bool $entire_row = false ] )
public static array version ( void )

The SQLite3Stmt class


A class that handles prepared statements for the SQLite 3 extension.

Class synopsis

class SQLite3Stmt {
/* Methods */
public bool bindParam ( mixed $sql_param , mixed &$param [, int $type ] )
public bool bindValue ( mixed $sql_param , mixed $value [, int $type ] )
public bool clear ( void )
public bool close ( void )
public SQLite3Result execute ( void )
public int paramCount ( void )
public bool readOnly ( void )
public bool reset ( void )

The SQLite3Result class


A class that handles result sets for the SQLite 3 extension.

Class synopsis

class SQLite3Result {
/* Methods */
public string columnName ( int $column_number )
public int columnType ( int $column_number )
public array fetchArray ([ int $mode = SQLITE3_BOTH ] )
public bool finalize ( void )
public int numColumns ( void )
public bool reset ( void )