

Please do not use any of the timezones listed here (besides UTC), they only exist for backward compatible reasons, and may expose erroneous behavior.


If you disregard the above warning, please also note that the IANA timezone database that provides PHP's timezone support uses POSIX style signs, which results in the Etc/GMT+n and Etc/GMT-n time zones being reversed from common usage.

For example, the time zone 8 hours ahead of GMT that is used in China and Western Australia (among other places) is actually Etc/GMT-8 in this database, not Etc/GMT+8 as you would normally expect.

Once again, it is strongly recommended that you use the correct time zone for your location, such as Asia/Shanghai or Australia/Perth for the above examples.

Africa/Asmera Africa/Timbuktu America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia America/Atka
America/Buenos_Aires America/Catamarca America/Coral_Harbour America/Cordoba
America/Ensenada America/Fort_Wayne America/Indianapolis America/Jujuy
America/Knox_IN America/Louisville America/Mendoza America/Montreal
America/Porto_Acre America/Rosario America/Santa_Isabel America/Shiprock
America/Virgin Antarctica/South_Pole Asia/Ashkhabad Asia/Calcutta
Asia/Chongqing Asia/Chungking Asia/Dacca Asia/Harbin
Asia/Istanbul Asia/Kashgar Asia/Katmandu Asia/Macao
Asia/Rangoon Asia/Saigon Asia/Tel_Aviv Asia/Thimbu
Asia/Ujung_Pandang Asia/Ulan_Bator Atlantic/Faeroe Atlantic/Jan_Mayen
Australia/ACT Australia/Canberra Australia/LHI Australia/North
Australia/NSW Australia/Queensland Australia/South Australia/Tasmania
Australia/Victoria Australia/West Australia/Yancowinna Brazil/Acre
Brazil/DeNoronha Brazil/East Brazil/West Canada/Atlantic
Canada/Central Canada/East-Saskatchewan Canada/Eastern Canada/Mountain
Canada/Newfoundland Canada/Pacific Canada/Saskatchewan Canada/Yukon
CET Chile/Continental Chile/EasterIsland CST6CDT
Cuba EET Egypt Eire
Etc/GMT+1 Etc/GMT+10 Etc/GMT+11 Etc/GMT+12
Etc/GMT+2 Etc/GMT+3 Etc/GMT+4 Etc/GMT+5
Etc/GMT+6 Etc/GMT+7 Etc/GMT+8 Etc/GMT+9
Etc/GMT-0 Etc/GMT-1 Etc/GMT-10 Etc/GMT-11
Etc/GMT-12 Etc/GMT-13 Etc/GMT-14 Etc/GMT-2
Etc/GMT-3 Etc/GMT-4 Etc/GMT-5 Etc/GMT-6
Etc/GMT-7 Etc/GMT-8 Etc/GMT-9 Etc/GMT0
Etc/Greenwich Etc/UCT Etc/Universal Etc/UTC
Etc/Zulu Europe/Belfast Europe/Nicosia Europe/Tiraspol
Factory GB GB-Eire GMT
GMT+0 GMT-0 GMT0 Greenwich
Hongkong HST Iceland Iran
Israel Jamaica Japan Kwajalein
Libya MET Mexico/BajaNorte Mexico/BajaSur
Mexico/General MST MST7MDT Navajo
NZ NZ-CHAT Pacific/Johnston Pacific/Ponape
Pacific/Samoa Pacific/Truk Pacific/Yap Poland
ROK Singapore Turkey UCT
Universal US/Alaska US/Aleutian US/Arizona
US/Central US/East-Indiana US/Eastern US/Hawaii
US/Indiana-Starke US/Michigan US/Mountain US/Pacific
US/Pacific-New US/Samoa UTC W-SU
WET Zulu