File Handling

Table of Contents

SPL provides a number of classes to work with files.

The SplFileInfo class


The SplFileInfo class offers a high-level object oriented interface to information for an individual file.

Class synopsis

class SplFileInfo {
/* Methods */
public __construct ( string $file_name )
public int getATime ( void )
public string getBasename ([ string $suffix ] )
public int getCTime ( void )
public string getExtension ( void )
public SplFileInfo getFileInfo ([ string $class_name ] )
public string getFilename ( void )
public int getGroup ( void )
public int getInode ( void )
public string getLinkTarget ( void )
public int getMTime ( void )
public int getOwner ( void )
public string getPath ( void )
public SplFileInfo getPathInfo ([ string $class_name ] )
public string getPathname ( void )
public int getPerms ( void )
public string getRealPath ( void )
public int getSize ( void )
public string getType ( void )
public bool isDir ( void )
public bool isExecutable ( void )
public bool isFile ( void )
public bool isLink ( void )
public bool isReadable ( void )
public bool isWritable ( void )
public SplFileObject openFile ([ string $open_mode = "r" [, bool $use_include_path = false [, resource $context = NULL ]]] )
public void setFileClass ([ string $class_name = "SplFileObject" ] )
public void setInfoClass ([ string $class_name = "SplFileInfo" ] )
public void __toString ( void )

The SplFileObject class


The SplFileObject class offers an object oriented interface for a file.

Class synopsis

class SplFileObject extends SplFileInfo implements RecursiveIterator , SeekableIterator {
/* Constants */
const integer SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE = 1 ;
const integer SplFileObject::READ_AHEAD = 2 ;
const integer SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY = 4 ;
const integer SplFileObject::READ_CSV = 8 ;
/* Methods */
public string|array current ( void )
public bool eof ( void )
public bool fflush ( void )
public string fgetc ( void )
public array fgetcsv ([ string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = "\"" [, string $escape = "\\" ]]] )
public string fgets ( void )
public string fgetss ([ string $allowable_tags ] )
public bool flock ( int $operation [, int &$wouldblock ] )
public int fpassthru ( void )
public int fputcsv ( array $fields [, string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = '"' [, string $escape = "\" ]]] )
public string fread ( int $length )
public mixed fscanf ( string $format [, mixed &$... ] )
public int fseek ( int $offset [, int $whence = SEEK_SET ] )
public array fstat ( void )
public int ftell ( void )
public bool ftruncate ( int $size )
public int fwrite ( string $str [, int $length ] )
public void getChildren ( void )
public array getCsvControl ( void )
public int getFlags ( void )
public int getMaxLineLen ( void )
public bool hasChildren ( void )
public int key ( void )
public void next ( void )
public void rewind ( void )
public void seek ( int $line_pos )
public void setCsvControl ([ string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = "\"" [, string $escape = "\\" ]]] )
public void setFlags ( int $flags )
public void setMaxLineLen ( int $max_len )
public void __toString ( void )
public bool valid ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
public SplFileInfo::__construct ( string $file_name )
public int SplFileInfo::getATime ( void )
public string SplFileInfo::getBasename ([ string $suffix ] )
public int SplFileInfo::getCTime ( void )
public string SplFileInfo::getExtension ( void )
public SplFileInfo SplFileInfo::getFileInfo ([ string $class_name ] )
public string SplFileInfo::getFilename ( void )
public int SplFileInfo::getGroup ( void )
public int SplFileInfo::getInode ( void )
public string SplFileInfo::getLinkTarget ( void )
public int SplFileInfo::getMTime ( void )
public int SplFileInfo::getOwner ( void )
public string SplFileInfo::getPath ( void )
public SplFileInfo SplFileInfo::getPathInfo ([ string $class_name ] )
public string SplFileInfo::getPathname ( void )
public int SplFileInfo::getPerms ( void )
public string SplFileInfo::getRealPath ( void )
public int SplFileInfo::getSize ( void )
public string SplFileInfo::getType ( void )
public bool SplFileInfo::isDir ( void )
public bool SplFileInfo::isExecutable ( void )
public bool SplFileInfo::isFile ( void )
public bool SplFileInfo::isLink ( void )
public bool SplFileInfo::isReadable ( void )
public bool SplFileInfo::isWritable ( void )
public SplFileObject SplFileInfo::openFile ([ string $open_mode = "r" [, bool $use_include_path = false [, resource $context = NULL ]]] )
public void SplFileInfo::setFileClass ([ string $class_name = "SplFileObject" ] )
public void SplFileInfo::setInfoClass ([ string $class_name = "SplFileInfo" ] )
public void SplFileInfo::__toString ( void )

Predefined Constants


Drop newlines at the end of a line.


Read on rewind/next.


Skips empty lines in the file. This requires the READ_AHEAD flag be enabled, to work as expected.


Read lines as CSV rows.


Version Description
5.3.9 SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY value changed to 4. Previously, value was 6.

The SplTempFileObject class


The SplTempFileObject class offers an object oriented interface for a temporary file.

Class synopsis

class SplTempFileObject extends SplFileObject implements SeekableIterator , RecursiveIterator {
/* Methods */
public __construct ([ int $max_memory ] )
/* Inherited methods */
public string|array SplFileObject::current ( void )
public bool SplFileObject::eof ( void )
public bool SplFileObject::fflush ( void )
public string SplFileObject::fgetc ( void )
public array SplFileObject::fgetcsv ([ string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = "\"" [, string $escape = "\\" ]]] )
public string SplFileObject::fgets ( void )
public string SplFileObject::fgetss ([ string $allowable_tags ] )
public bool SplFileObject::flock ( int $operation [, int &$wouldblock ] )
public int SplFileObject::fpassthru ( void )
public int SplFileObject::fputcsv ( array $fields [, string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = '"' [, string $escape = "\" ]]] )
public string SplFileObject::fread ( int $length )
public mixed SplFileObject::fscanf ( string $format [, mixed &$... ] )
public int SplFileObject::fseek ( int $offset [, int $whence = SEEK_SET ] )
public array SplFileObject::fstat ( void )
public int SplFileObject::ftell ( void )
public bool SplFileObject::ftruncate ( int $size )
public int SplFileObject::fwrite ( string $str [, int $length ] )
public void SplFileObject::getChildren ( void )
public array SplFileObject::getCsvControl ( void )
public int SplFileObject::getFlags ( void )
public int SplFileObject::getMaxLineLen ( void )
public bool SplFileObject::hasChildren ( void )
public int SplFileObject::key ( void )
public void SplFileObject::next ( void )
public void SplFileObject::rewind ( void )
public void SplFileObject::seek ( int $line_pos )
public void SplFileObject::setCsvControl ([ string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = "\"" [, string $escape = "\\" ]]] )
public void SplFileObject::setFlags ( int $flags )
public void SplFileObject::setMaxLineLen ( int $max_len )
public void SplFileObject::__toString ( void )
public bool SplFileObject::valid ( void )