COM Functions

See Also

For further information on COM read the » COM specification. You might find some additional useful information in our FAQ for PHP and COM. If you're thinking of using MS Office applications on the server side, you should read the information here: » Considerations for Server-Side Automation of Office.

Table of Contents
  • com_create_guid — Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID)
  • com_event_sink — Connect events from a COM object to a PHP object
  • com_get_active_object — Returns a handle to an already running instance of a COM object
  • com_load_typelib — Loads a Typelib
  • com_message_pump — Process COM messages, sleeping for up to timeoutms milliseconds
  • com_print_typeinfo — Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface
  • variant_abs — Returns the absolute value of a variant
  • variant_add — "Adds" two variant values together and returns the result
  • variant_and — Performs a bitwise AND operation between two variants
  • variant_cast — Convert a variant into a new variant object of another type
  • variant_cat — concatenates two variant values together and returns the result
  • variant_cmp — Compares two variants
  • variant_date_from_timestamp — Returns a variant date representation of a Unix timestamp
  • variant_date_to_timestamp — Converts a variant date/time value to Unix timestamp
  • variant_div — Returns the result from dividing two variants
  • variant_eqv — Performs a bitwise equivalence on two variants
  • variant_fix — Returns the integer portion of a variant
  • variant_get_type — Returns the type of a variant object
  • variant_idiv — Converts variants to integers and then returns the result from dividing them
  • variant_imp — Performs a bitwise implication on two variants
  • variant_int — Returns the integer portion of a variant
  • variant_mod — Divides two variants and returns only the remainder
  • variant_mul — Multiplies the values of the two variants
  • variant_neg — Performs logical negation on a variant
  • variant_not — Performs bitwise not negation on a variant
  • variant_or — Performs a logical disjunction on two variants
  • variant_pow — Returns the result of performing the power function with two variants
  • variant_round — Rounds a variant to the specified number of decimal places
  • variant_set_type — Convert a variant into another type "in-place"
  • variant_set — Assigns a new value for a variant object
  • variant_sub — Subtracts the value of the right variant from the left variant value
  • variant_xor — Performs a logical exclusion on two variants