
Returns the number of columns in the result set


public int PDOStatement::columnCount ( void )

Use PDOStatement::columnCount to return the number of columns in the result set represented by the PDOStatement object.

If the PDOStatement object was returned from PDO::query, the column count is immediately available.

If the PDOStatement object was returned from PDO::prepare, an accurate column count will not be available until you invoke PDOStatement::execute.

Return Values

Returns the number of columns in the result set represented by the PDOStatement object, even if the result set is empty. If there is no result set, PDOStatement::columnCount returns 0.


Example #1 Counting columns

This example demonstrates how PDOStatement::columnCount operates with and without a result set.

= new PDO('odbc:sample''db2inst1''ibmdb2');

$sth $dbh->prepare("SELECT name, colour FROM fruit");

/* Count the number of columns in the (non-existent) result set */
$colcount $sth->columnCount();
"Before execute(), result set has $colcount columns (should be 0)\n");


/* Count the number of columns in the result set */
$colcount $sth->columnCount();
"After execute(), result set has $colcount columns (should be 2)\n");


The above example will output:

Before execute(), result set has 0 columns (should be 0)
After execute(), result set has 2 columns (should be 2)

See Also

  • PDO::prepare
  • PDOStatement::execute
  • PDOStatement::rowCount