Changed functions

PHP Core

  • debug_zval_dump now prints "int" instead of "long", and "float" instead of "double"
  • dirname now optionally takes a second parameter, depth, to get the name of the directory depth levels up from the current directory.
  • getrusage is now supported on Windows.
  • mktime and gmmktime functions no longer accept is_dst parameter.
  • preg_replace function no longer supports "\e" (PREG_REPLACE_EVAL). preg_replace_callback should be used instead.
  • setlocale function no longer accepts category passed as string. LC_* constants must be used instead.
  • exec, system and passthru functions have NULL byte protection now.
  • shmop_open now returns a resource instead of an int, which has to be passed to shmop_size, shmop_write, shmop_read, shmop_close and shmop_delete.
  • substr and iconv_substr now return an empty string, if string is equal to start characters long.
  • xml_set_object now requires to manually unset the $parser when finished, to avoid memory leaks.