New Methods

Several new methods were introduced in 5.3.0:


  • DateTime::add - Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds to a DateTime object.
  • DateTime::createFromFormat - Returns a new DateTime object formatted according to the given format.
  • DateTime::diff - Returns the difference between two DateTime objects.
  • DateTime::getLastErrors - Returns the warnings and errors from the last date/time operation.
  • DateTime::sub - Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds from a DateTime object.


  • Exception::getPrevious - Retrieves the previous exception.


  • DOMNode::getLineNo - Get the line number of a parsed node.


  • PDO::setAttribute - Sets an attribute.


  • ReflectionClass::getNamespaceName - Returns the name of namespace where this class is defined.
  • ReflectionClass::getShortName - Returns the short name of this class (without namespace part).
  • ReflectionClass::inNamespace - Returns whether this class is defined in a namespace.
  • ReflectionFunction::getNamespaceName - Returns the name of namespace where this function is defined.
  • ReflectionFunction::getShortName - Returns the short name of the function (without namespace part).
  • ReflectionFunction::inNamespace - Returns whether this function is defined in a namespace.
  • ReflectionProperty::setAccessible - Sets whether non-public properties can be requested.


  • SplObjectStorage::addAll - Add all elements from another SplObjectStorage object.
  • SplObjectStorage::removeAll - Remove all elements from another SplObjectStorage object.


  • XSLTProcessor::setProfiling - Sets the profiling output file.