Table of Contents

Represents a position (x,y)


Points are used throughout UI to represent co-ordinates on a screen, control, or area.

Class synopsis

final class UI\Point {
/* Properties */
public $x ;
public $y ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( float $x , float $y )
/* Methods */
public static UI\Point at ( float $point )
public static UI\Point at ( UI\Size $size )
public float getX ( void )
public float getY ( void )
public setX ( float $point )
public setY ( float $point )



Holds the X co-ordinate, can be read/written directly


Holds the Y co-ordinate, can be read/written directly

Represents dimenstions (width, height)


Sizes are used throughout UI to represent the size of a screen, control, or area.

Class synopsis

final class UI\Size {
/* Properties */
public $width ;
public $height ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( float $width , float $height )
/* Methods */
public float getHeight ( void )
public float getWidth ( void )
public static UI\Size of ( float $size )
public static UI\Size of ( UI\Point $point )
public setHeight ( float $size )
public setWidth ( float $size )



Holds the width, can be read/written directly


Holds the height, can be read/written directly



Represents a UI Window

Class synopsis

class UI\Window extends UI\Control {
/* Properties */
protected $controls ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( string $title , Size $size [, boolean $menu = false ] )
/* Methods */
public add ( UI\Control $control )
public error ( string $title , string $msg )
public UI\Size getSize ( void )
public string getTitle ( void )
public bool hasBorders ( void )
public bool hasMargin ( void )
public bool isFullScreen ( void )
public msg ( string $title , string $msg )
protected int onClosing ( void )
public string open ( void )
public string save ( void )
public setBorders ( boolean $borders )
public setFullScreen ( boolean $full )
public setMargin ( boolean $margin )
public setSize ( UI\Size $size )
public setTitle ( string $title )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )



Contains controls, should not be manipulated directly



This is the closed base class for all UI Controls.

Class synopsis

final class UI\Control {
/* Methods */
public destroy ( void )
public disable ( void )
public enable ( void )
public UI\Control getParent ( void )
public int getTopLevel ( void )
public hide ( void )
public bool isEnabled ( void )
public bool isVisible ( void )
public setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public show ( void )



Menus must be constructed before the first Window, and can be shown on any Window

Class synopsis

class UI\Menu {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( string $name )
/* Methods */
public UI\MenuItem append ( string $name [, string $type = UI\MenuItem::class ] )
public UI\MenuItem appendAbout ([ string $type = UI\MenuItem::class ] )
public UI\MenuItem appendCheck ( string $name [, string $type = UI\MenuItem::class ] )
public UI\MenuItem appendPreferences ([ string $type = UI\MenuItem::class ] )
public UI\MenuItem appendQuit ([ string $type = UI\MenuItem::class ] )
public appendSeparator ( void )

Menu Item


Menu Items should only be created by the Menu

Class synopsis

class UI\MenuItem {
/* Methods */
public disable ( void )
public enable ( void )
public bool isChecked ( void )
protected onClick ( void )
public setChecked ( boolean $checked )



An Area represents a canvas which can be used to draw, and respond to mouse and key events.

Class synopsis

class UI\Area extends UI\Control {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Area::Ctrl ;
const integer UI\Area::Alt ;
const integer UI\Area::Shift ;
const integer UI\Area::Super ;
const integer UI\Area::Down ;
const integer UI\Area::Up ;
/* Methods */
protected onDraw ( UI\Draw\Pen $pen , UI\Size $areaSize , UI\Point $clipPoint , UI\Size $clipSize )
protected onKey ( string $key , integer $ext , integer $flags )
protected onMouse ( UI\Point $areaPoint , UI\Size $areaSize , integer $flags )
public redraw ( void )
public scrollTo ( UI\Point $point , UI\Size $size )
public setSize ( UI\Size $size )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Predefined Constants


Shall be set in the modifiers passed to key and mouse events when the CTRL key is active


Shall be set in the modifiers passed to key and mouse events when the ALT key is active


Shall be set in the modifiers passed to key and mouse events when the SHIFT key is active



Shall be set in the modifiers passed to key and mouse events


Shall be set in the modifiers passed to key and mouse events

Execution Scheduler


This facility schedules repetitive execution of a callback, useful for animations and other such activities.

Class synopsis

abstract class UI\Executor {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( void )
public __construct ( integer $microseconds )
public __construct ( integer $seconds , integer $microseconds )
/* Methods */
public void kill ( void )
abstract protected void onExecute ( void )
public bool setInterval ( integer $microseconds )
public bool setInterval ( integer $seconds , integer $microseconds )

Tab Control


A Tab can contain many pages of Controls, each with a title, each selectable by the user.

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Tab extends UI\Control {
/* Properties */
protected $controls ;
/* Methods */
public integer append ( string $name , UI\Control $control )
public boolean delete ( integer $index )
public bool hasMargin ( integer $page )
public insertAt ( string $name , integer $page , UI\Control $control )
public integer pages ( void )
public setMargin ( integer $page , boolean $margin )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )



Contains controls, should not be manipulated directly

Check Control


A Check is a labelled checkable box

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Check extends UI\Control {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( string $text )
/* Methods */
public string getText ( void )
public bool isChecked ( void )
protected onToggle ( void )
public setChecked ( boolean $checked )
public setText ( string $text )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Button Control


Represents a labelled clickable button

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Button extends UI\Control {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( string $text )
/* Methods */
public string getText ( void )
protected onClick ( void )
public setText ( string $text )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

ColorButton Control


A Color Button is a button which displays a color picker when clicked

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\ColorButton extends UI\Control {
/* Methods */
public UI\Color getColor ( void )
protected onChange ( void )
public setColor ( UI\Draw\Color $color )
public setColor ( integer $color )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Label Control


A Label is a single line of text, meant to identify, for the user, some element of the interface.

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Label extends UI\Control {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( string $text )
/* Methods */
public string getText ( void )
public setText ( string $text )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Entry Control


An Entry is a text entry control, suitable for entering plain text, passwords, or search terms.

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Entry extends UI\Control {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Controls\Entry::Normal ;
const integer UI\Controls\Entry::Password ;
const integer UI\Controls\Entry::Search ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ([ integer $type = UI\Controls\Entry::Normal ] )
/* Methods */
public string getText ( void )
public bool isReadOnly ( void )
protected onChange ( void )
public setReadOnly ( boolean $readOnly )
public setText ( string $text )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Predefined Constants


A normal single line entry


A password entry


A search entry

MultilineEntry Control


A Multiline Entry is a text entry control able to hold multiple lines of text, with or without wrapping.

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\MultilineEntry extends UI\Control {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::Wrap ;
const integer UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::NoWrap ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ([ integer $type ] )
/* Methods */
public append ( string $text )
public string getText ( void )
public bool isReadOnly ( void )
protected onChange ( void )
public setReadOnly ( boolean $readOnly )
public setText ( string $text )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Predefined Constants


Allow lines to wrap


Do not allow lines to wrap

Spin Control


A Spin box is a text box with an up-down control which changes the integer value in the box, within a defined range

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Spin extends UI\Control {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( integer $min , integer $max )
/* Methods */
public int getValue ( void )
protected onChange ( void )
public setValue ( integer $value )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Slider Control


A Slider is a control which represents a range, and a current value in the range. The sliding element of the control (sometimes called the "thumb") reflects the value, and can be adjusted within the range.

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Slider extends UI\Control {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( integer $min , integer $max )
/* Methods */
public integer getValue ( void )
protected onChange ( void )
public setValue ( integer $value )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Progress Control


A Progress control is a familiar Progress bar: It represents progress as a percentage, with a possible range of 0 to 100 (inclusive).

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Progress extends UI\Control {
/* Methods */
public int getValue ( void )
public setValue ( integer $value )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Control Separator


A Separator represents a control separator, it has no other function.

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Separator extends UI\Control {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Controls\Separator::Horizontal ;
const integer UI\Controls\Separator::Vertical ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ([ integer $type = UI\Controls\Separator::Horizontal ] )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Predefined Constants


A Horizontal Separator


A Vertical Separator

Combo Control


A Combo control represents a list of options, like the familiar select HTML element.

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Combo extends UI\Control {
/* Methods */
public append ( string $text )
public integer getSelected ( void )
protected onSelected ( void )
public setSelected ( integer $index )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

EdiableCombo Control


An Editable Combo is a Combo which allows the user to enter custom options

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\EditableCombo extends UI\Control {
/* Methods */
public append ( string $text )
public string getText ( void )
protected onChange ( void )
public setText ( string $text )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Radio Control


A Radio is similar to the radio input type familiar from HTML

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Radio extends UI\Control {
/* Methods */
public append ( string $text )
public integer getSelected ( void )
protected onSelected ( void )
public setSelected ( integer $index )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Picker Control


A Picker represents a button which when clicked presents a native Date/Time/DateTime Picker interface to the user.

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Picker extends UI\Control {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Controls\Picker::Date ;
const integer UI\Controls\Picker::Time ;
const integer UI\Controls\Picker::DateTime ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ([ integer $type = UI\Controls\Picker::Date ] )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Predefined Constants


A Date Picker


A Time Picker


A Date and Time Picker

Control Form (Arrangement)


A Form is a control which allows the arrangement of other controls into a familiar layout (the form).

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Form extends UI\Control {
/* Properties */
protected $controls ;
/* Methods */
public integer append ( string $label , UI\Control $control [, boolean $stretchy = false ] )
public boolean delete ( integer $index )
public bool isPadded ( void )
public setPadded ( boolean $padded )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )



Contains controls, should not be manipulated directly

Control Grid (Arrangement)


A Grid is a control which is allows the arrangement of children into a grid

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Grid extends UI\Control {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Controls\Grid::Fill ;
const integer UI\Controls\Grid::Start ;
const integer UI\Controls\Grid::Center ;
const integer UI\Controls\Grid::End ;
const integer UI\Controls\Grid::Leading ;
const integer UI\Controls\Grid::Top ;
const integer UI\Controls\Grid::Trailing ;
const integer UI\Controls\Grid::Bottom ;
/* Properties */
protected $controls ;
/* Methods */
public append ( UI\Control $control , integer $left , integer $top , integer $xspan , integer $yspan , boolean $hexpand , integer $halign , boolean $vexpand , integer $valign )
public bool isPadded ( void )
public setPadded ( boolean $padding )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

Predefined Constants











Contains controls, should not be manipulated directly

Control Group (Arrangement)


A Group is a titled container for child controls

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Group extends UI\Control {
/* Properties */
protected $controls ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( string $title )
/* Methods */
public append ( UI\Control $control )
public string getTitle ( void )
public bool hasMargin ( void )
public setMargin ( boolean $margin )
public setTitle ( string $title )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )



Contains controls, should not be manipulated directly

Control Box (Arrangement)


A Box allows the arrangement of other controls

Class synopsis

class UI\Controls\Box extends UI\Control {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Controls\Box::Vertical ;
const integer UI\Controls\Box::Horizontal ;
/* Properties */
protected $controls ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ([ integer $orientation = UI\Controls\Box::Horizontal ] )
/* Methods */
public integer append ( Control $control [, boolean $stretchy = false ] )
public boolean delete ( integer $index )
public integer getOrientation ( void )
public bool isPadded ( void )
public setPadded ( boolean $padded )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control UI\Control::getParent ( void )
public int UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void )
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isEnabled ( void )
public bool UI\Control::isVisible ( void )
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )



Contains controls, should not be manipulated directly

Predefined Constants



Draw Pen


The Pen is passed to the Area Draw event handler, it is used for clipping, filling, stroking, and writing to Draw Paths.

Class synopsis

final class UI\Draw\Pen {
/* Methods */
public clip ( UI\Draw\Path $path )
public fill ( UI\Draw\Path $path , UI\Draw\Brush $with )
public fill ( UI\Draw\Path $path , UI\Draw\Color $with )
public fill ( UI\Draw\Path $path , integer $with )
public restore ( void )
public save ( void )
public stroke ( UI\Draw\Path $path , UI\Draw\Brush $with , UI\Draw\Stroke $stroke )
public stroke ( UI\Draw\Path $path , UI\Draw\Color $with , UI\Draw\Stroke $stroke )
public stroke ( UI\Draw\Path $path , integer $with , UI\Draw\Stroke $stroke )
public transform ( UI\Draw\Matrix $matrix )
public write ( UI\Point $point , UI\Draw\Text\Layout $layout )

Draw Path


A Draw Path guides a Draw Pen, telling the Pen where to draw on an Area.

Class synopsis

class UI\Draw\Path {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Draw\Path::Winding ;
const integer UI\Draw\Path::Alternate ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ([ integer $mode = UI\Draw\Path::Winding ] )
/* Methods */
public addRectangle ( UI\Point $point , UI\Size $size )
public arcTo ( UI\Point $point , float $radius , float $angle , float $sweep , float $negative )
public bezierTo ( UI\Point $point , float $radius , float $angle , float $sweep , float $negative )
public closeFigure ( void )
public end ( void )
public lineTo ( UI\Point $point , float $radius , float $angle , float $sweep , float $negative )
public newFigure ( UI\Point $point )
public newFigureWithArc ( UI\Point $point , float $radius , float $angle , float $sweep , float $negative )

Predefined Constants


This is the default draw path mode


This is the alternate draw path mode

Draw Matrix


Class synopsis

class UI\Draw\Matrix {
/* Methods */
public invert ( void )
public bool isInvertible ( void )
public UI\Draw\Matrix multiply ( UI\Draw\Matrix $matrix )
public rotate ( UI\Point $point , float $amount )
public scale ( UI\Point $center , UI\Point $point )
public skew ( UI\Point $point , UI\Point $amount )
public translate ( UI\Point $point )

Color Representation


Represents RGBA colours, individual channels are accessible via public properties.

Class synopsis

class UI\Draw\Color {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Draw\Color::Red ;
const integer UI\Draw\Color::Green ;
const integer UI\Draw\Color::Blue ;
const integer UI\Draw\Color::Alpha ;
/* Properties */
public $r ;
public $g ;
public $b ;
public $a ;
/* Constructor */
public __construct ([ UI\Draw\Color $color ] )
public __construct ([ integer $color ] )
/* Methods */
public float getChannel ( integer $channel )
public void setChannel ( integer $channel , float $value )



Provides access to the red channel


Provides access to the green channel


Provides access to the blue channel


Provides access to the alpha channel

Predefined Constants


Identifies the red channel


Identifies the green channel


Identifies the blue channel


Identifies the alpha channel

Draw Stroke


Holds the configuration for the Pen to perform a stroke

Class synopsis

class UI\Draw\Stroke {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ([ integer $cap = UI\Draw\Line\Cap::Flat [, integer $join = UI\Draw\Line\Join::Miter [, float $thickness = 1 [, float $miterLimit = 10 ]]]] )
/* Methods */
public integer getCap ( void )
public integer getJoin ( void )
public float getMiterLimit ( void )
public float getThickness ( void )
public setCap ( integer $cap )
public setJoin ( integer $join )
public setMiterLimit ( float $limit )
public setThickness ( float $thickness )



Represents a solid color brush

Class synopsis

class UI\Draw\Brush {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( UI\Draw\Color $color )
public __construct ( integer $color )
/* Methods */
public UI\Draw\Color getColor ( void )
public void setColor ( UI\Draw\Color $color )
public void setColor ( integer $color )

Gradient Brushes


Abstract for gradient brushes

Class synopsis

abstract class UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient extends UI\Draw\Brush {
/* Methods */
public integer addStop ( float $position , UI\Draw\Color $color )
public integer addStop ( float $position , integer $color )
public integer delStop ( integer $index )
public boolean setStop ( integer $index , float $position , UI\Draw\Color $color )
public boolean setStop ( integer $index , float $position , integer $color )
/* Inherited methods */
public UI\Draw\Color UI\Draw\Brush::getColor ( void )
public void UI\Draw\Brush::setColor ( UI\Draw\Color $color )
public void UI\Draw\Brush::setColor ( integer $color )

Linear Gradient


Class synopsis

class UI\Draw\Brush\LinearGradient extends UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( UI\Point $start , UI\Point $end )
/* Inherited methods */
public integer UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::addStop ( float $position , UI\Draw\Color $color )
public integer UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::addStop ( float $position , integer $color )
public integer UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::delStop ( integer $index )
public boolean UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::setStop ( integer $index , float $position , UI\Draw\Color $color )
public boolean UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::setStop ( integer $index , float $position , integer $color )

Radial Gradient


Class synopsis

class UI\Draw\Brush\RadialGradient extends UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( UI\Point $start , UI\Point $outer , float $radius )
/* Inherited methods */
public integer UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::addStop ( float $position , UI\Draw\Color $color )
public integer UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::addStop ( float $position , integer $color )
public integer UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::delStop ( integer $index )
public boolean UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::setStop ( integer $index , float $position , UI\Draw\Color $color )
public boolean UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::setStop ( integer $index , float $position , integer $color )

Represents Text Layout


A Text Layout represents the layout of text which will be drawn by the Pen

Class synopsis

class UI\Draw\Text\Layout {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( string $text , UI\Draw\Text\Font $font , float $width )
/* Methods */
public setColor ( UI\Draw\Color $color [, integer $start = 0 [, integer $end ]] )
public setColor ( integer $color [, integer $start = 0 [, integer $end ]] )
public setWidth ( float $width )

Represents a Font


Loads a described font

Class synopsis

class UI\Draw\Text\Font {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( UI\Draw\Text\Font\Descriptor $descriptor )
/* Methods */
public float getAscent ( void )
public float getDescent ( void )
public float getLeading ( void )
public float getUnderlinePosition ( void )
public float getUnderlineThickness ( void )

Font Descriptor


Describes a font

Class synopsis

class UI\Draw\Text\Font\Descriptor {
/* Constructor */
public __construct ( string $family , float $size [, integer $weight = UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::Normal [, integer $italic = UI\Draw\Text\Font\Italic::Normal [, integer $stretch = UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch::Normal ]]] )
/* Methods */
public string getFamily ( void )
public int getItalic ( void )
public float getSize ( void )
public int getStretch ( void )
public int getWeight ( void )

Font Weight Settings


Class synopsis

final class UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::Thin ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::UltraLight ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::Light ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::Book ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::Normal ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::Medium ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::SemiBold ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::Bold ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::UltraBold ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::Heavy ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Weight::UltraHeavy ;

Italic Font Settings


Class synopsis

final class UI\Draw\Text\Font\Italic {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Italic::Normal = 0 ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Italic::Oblique = 1 ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Italic::Italic = 2 ;

Font Stretch Settings


Class synopsis

final class UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch::UltraCondensed = 0 ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch::ExtraCondensed = 1 ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch::Condensed = 2 ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch::SemiCondensed = 3 ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch::Normal = 4 ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch::SemiExpanded = 5 ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch::Expanded = 6 ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch::ExtraExpanded = 7 ;
const integer UI\Draw\Text\Font\Stretch::UltraExpanded = 8 ;

Line Cap Settings


Class synopsis

final class UI\Draw\Line\Cap {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Draw\Line\Cap::Flat ;
const integer UI\Draw\Line\Cap::Round ;
const integer UI\Draw\Line\Cap::Square ;

Line Join Settings


Class synopsis

final class UI\Draw\Line\Join {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Draw\Line\Join::Miter ;
const integer UI\Draw\Line\Join::Round ;
const integer UI\Draw\Line\Join::Bevel ;

Key Identifiers


Class synopsis

final class UI\Key {
/* Constants */
const integer UI\Key::Escape ;
const integer UI\Key::Insert ;
const integer UI\Key::Delete ;
const integer UI\Key::Home ;
const integer UI\Key::End ;
const integer UI\Key::PageUp ;
const integer UI\Key::PageDown ;
const integer UI\Key::Up ;
const integer UI\Key::Down ;
const integer UI\Key::Left ;
const integer UI\Key::Right ;
const integer UI\Key::F1 ;
const integer UI\Key::F2 ;
const integer UI\Key::F3 ;
const integer UI\Key::F4 ;
const integer UI\Key::F5 ;
const integer UI\Key::F6 ;
const integer UI\Key::F7 ;
const integer UI\Key::F8 ;
const integer UI\Key::F9 ;
const integer UI\Key::F10 ;
const integer UI\Key::F11 ;
const integer UI\Key::F12 ;
const integer UI\Key::N0 ;
const integer UI\Key::N1 ;
const integer UI\Key::N2 ;
const integer UI\Key::N3 ;
const integer UI\Key::N4 ;
const integer UI\Key::N5 ;
const integer UI\Key::N6 ;
const integer UI\Key::N7 ;
const integer UI\Key::N8 ;
const integer UI\Key::N9 ;
const integer UI\Key::NDot ;
const integer UI\Key::NEnter ;
const integer UI\Key::NAdd ;
const integer UI\Key::NSubtract ;
const integer UI\Key::NMultiply ;
const integer UI\Key::NDivide ;



Class synopsis

class UI\Exception\InvalidArgumentException extends InvalidArgumentException implements Throwable {
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
/* Inherited methods */
final public string Exception::getMessage ( void )
final public Throwable Exception::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Exception::getCode ( void )
final public string Exception::getFile ( void )
final public int Exception::getLine ( void )
final public array Exception::getTrace ( void )
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Exception::__toString ( void )
final private void Exception::__clone ( void )



Class synopsis

class UI\Exception\RuntimeException extends RuntimeException implements Throwable {
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
/* Inherited methods */
final public string Exception::getMessage ( void )
final public Throwable Exception::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Exception::getCode ( void )
final public string Exception::getFile ( void )
final public int Exception::getLine ( void )
final public array Exception::getTrace ( void )
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Exception::__toString ( void )
final private void Exception::__clone ( void )