Apache Solr

Table of Contents

The SolrUtils class


Contains utility methods for retrieving the current extension version and preparing query phrases.

Also contains method for escaping query strings and parsing XML responses.

Class synopsis

abstract class SolrUtils {
/* Methods */
public static SolrObject digestXmlResponse ( string $xmlresponse [, int $parse_mode = 0 ] )
public static string escapeQueryChars ( string $str )
public static string getSolrVersion ( void )
public static string queryPhrase ( string $str )

The SolrInputDocument class


This class represents a Solr document that is about to be submitted to the Solr index.

Class synopsis

final class SolrInputDocument {
/* Constants */
const integer SolrInputDocument::SORT_DEFAULT = 1 ;
const integer SolrInputDocument::SORT_ASC = 1 ;
const integer SolrInputDocument::SORT_DESC = 2 ;
const integer SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_NAME = 1 ;
const integer SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT = 2 ;
const integer SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_BOOST_VALUE = 4 ;
/* Methods */
public void addChildDocument ( SolrInputDocument $child )
public void addChildDocuments ( array &$docs )
public bool addField ( string $fieldName , string $fieldValue [, float $fieldBoostValue = 0.0 ] )
public bool clear ( void )
public void __clone ( void )
public __construct ( void )
public bool deleteField ( string $fieldName )
public void __destruct ( void )
public bool fieldExists ( string $fieldName )
public float getBoost ( void )
public array getChildDocuments ( void )
public integer getChildDocumentsCount ( void )
public SolrDocumentField getField ( string $fieldName )
public float getFieldBoost ( string $fieldName )
public int getFieldCount ( void )
public array getFieldNames ( void )
public boolean hasChildDocuments ( void )
public bool merge ( SolrInputDocument $sourceDoc [, bool $overwrite = true ] )
public bool reset ( void )
public bool setBoost ( float $documentBoostValue )
public bool setFieldBoost ( string $fieldName , float $fieldBoostValue )
public bool sort ( int $sortOrderBy [, int $sortDirection = SolrInputDocument::SORT_ASC ] )
public array toArray ( void )

Predefined Constants

SolrInputDocument Class Constants


Sorts the fields in ascending order.


Sorts the fields in ascending order.


Sorts the fields in descending order.


Sorts the fields by name


Sorts the fields by number of values.


Sorts the fields by boost value.

The SolrDocument class


Represents a Solr document retrieved from a query response.

Class synopsis

final class SolrDocument implements ArrayAccess , Iterator , Serializable {
/* Constants */
const integer SolrDocument::SORT_DEFAULT = 1 ;
const integer SolrDocument::SORT_ASC = 1 ;
const integer SolrDocument::SORT_DESC = 2 ;
const integer SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_NAME = 1 ;
const integer SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT = 2 ;
const integer SolrDocument::SORT_FIELD_BOOST_VALUE = 4 ;
/* Methods */
public bool addField ( string $fieldName , string $fieldValue )
public bool clear ( void )
public void __clone ( void )
public __construct ( void )
public SolrDocumentField current ( void )
public bool deleteField ( string $fieldName )
public void __destruct ( void )
public bool fieldExists ( string $fieldName )
public SolrDocumentField __get ( string $fieldName )
public array getChildDocuments ( void )
public integer getChildDocumentsCount ( void )
public SolrDocumentField getField ( string $fieldName )
public int getFieldCount ( void )
public array getFieldNames ( void )
public SolrInputDocument getInputDocument ( void )
public bool hasChildDocuments ( void )
public bool __isset ( string $fieldName )
public string key ( void )
public bool merge ( SolrDocument $sourceDoc [, bool $overwrite = true ] )
public void next ( void )
public bool offsetExists ( string $fieldName )
public SolrDocumentField offsetGet ( string $fieldName )
public void offsetSet ( string $fieldName , string $fieldValue )
public void offsetUnset ( string $fieldName )
public bool reset ( void )
public void rewind ( void )
public string serialize ( void )
public bool __set ( string $fieldName , string $fieldValue )
public bool sort ( int $sortOrderBy [, int $sortDirection = SolrDocument::SORT_ASC ] )
public array toArray ( void )
public void unserialize ( string $serialized )
public bool __unset ( string $fieldName )
public bool valid ( void )

Predefined Constants


Default mode for sorting fields within the document.


Sorts the fields in ascending order


Sorts the fields in descending order


Sorts the fields by field name.


Sorts the fields by number of values in each field.


Sorts the fields by thier boost values.

The SolrDocumentField class


This represents a field in a Solr document. All its properties are read-only.

Class synopsis

final class SolrDocumentField {
/* Properties */
readonly public string $name ;
readonly public float $boost ;
readonly public array $values ;
/* Methods */
public __construct ( void )
public void __destruct ( void )



The name of the field.


The boost value for the field


An array of values for this field

The SolrObject class


This is an object whose properties can also by accessed using the array syntax. All its properties are read-only.

Class synopsis

final class SolrObject implements ArrayAccess {
/* Methods */
public __construct ( void )
public void __destruct ( void )
public array getPropertyNames ( void )
public bool offsetExists ( string $property_name )
public mixed offsetGet ( string $property_name )
public void offsetSet ( string $property_name , string $property_value )
public void offsetUnset ( string $property_name )

The SolrClient class


Used to send requests to a Solr server. Currently, cloning and serialization of SolrClient instances is not supported.

Class synopsis

final class SolrClient {
/* Constants */
const integer SolrClient::SEARCH_SERVLET_TYPE = 1 ;
const integer SolrClient::UPDATE_SERVLET_TYPE = 2 ;
const integer SolrClient::THREADS_SERVLET_TYPE = 4 ;
const integer SolrClient::PING_SERVLET_TYPE = 8 ;
const integer SolrClient::TERMS_SERVLET_TYPE = 16 ;
const integer SolrClient::SYSTEM_SERVLET_TYPE = 32 ;
const string SolrClient::DEFAULT_SEARCH_SERVLET = select ;
const string SolrClient::DEFAULT_UPDATE_SERVLET = update ;
const string SolrClient::DEFAULT_THREADS_SERVLET = admin/threads ;
const string SolrClient::DEFAULT_PING_SERVLET = admin/ping ;
const string SolrClient::DEFAULT_TERMS_SERVLET = terms ;
const string SolrClient::DEFAULT_SYSTEM_SERVLET = admin/system ;
/* Methods */
public SolrUpdateResponse addDocument ( SolrInputDocument $doc [, bool $overwrite = true [, int $commitWithin = 0 ]] )
public void addDocuments ( array $docs [, bool $overwrite = true [, int $commitWithin = 0 ]] )
public SolrUpdateResponse commit ([ bool $softCommit = false [, bool $waitSearcher = true [, bool $expungeDeletes = false ]]] )
public __construct ( array $clientOptions )
public SolrUpdateResponse deleteById ( string $id )
public SolrUpdateResponse deleteByIds ( array $ids )
public SolrUpdateResponse deleteByQueries ( array $queries )
public SolrUpdateResponse deleteByQuery ( string $query )
public void __destruct ( void )
public SolrQueryResponse getById ( string $id )
public SolrQueryResponse getByIds ( array $ids )
public string getDebug ( void )
public array getOptions ( void )
public SolrUpdateResponse optimize ([ int $maxSegments = 1 [, bool $softCommit = true [, bool $waitSearcher = true ]]] )
public SolrPingResponse ping ( void )
public SolrQueryResponse query ( SolrParams $query )
public SolrUpdateResponse request ( string $raw_request )
public SolrUpdateResponse rollback ( void )
public void setResponseWriter ( string $responseWriter )
public bool setServlet ( int $type , string $value )
public void system ( void )
public void threads ( void )

Predefined Constants


Used when updating the search servlet.


Used when updating the update servlet.


Used when updating the threads servlet.


Used when updating the ping servlet.


Used when updating the terms servlet.


Used when retrieving system information from the system servlet.


This is the intial value for the search servlet.


This is the intial value for the update servlet.


This is the intial value for the threads servlet.


This is the intial value for the ping servlet.


This is the intial value for the terms servlet used for the TermsComponent


This is the intial value for the system servlet used to obtain Solr Server information

The SolrResponse class


Represents a response from the Solr server.

Class synopsis

abstract class SolrResponse {
/* Constants */
const integer SolrResponse::PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0 ;
const integer SolrResponse::PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1 ;
/* Properties */
protected integer $http_status ;
protected integer $parser_mode ;
protected bool $success ;
protected string $http_status_message ;
protected string $http_request_url ;
protected string $http_raw_request_headers ;
protected string $http_raw_request ;
protected string $http_raw_response_headers ;
protected string $http_raw_response ;
protected string $http_digested_response ;
/* Methods */
public string getDigestedResponse ( void )
public int getHttpStatus ( void )
public string getHttpStatusMessage ( void )
public string getRawRequest ( void )
public string getRawRequestHeaders ( void )
public string getRawResponse ( void )
public string getRawResponseHeaders ( void )
public string getRequestUrl ( void )
public SolrObject getResponse ( void )
public bool setParseMode ([ int $parser_mode = 0 ] )
public bool success ( void )



The http status of the response.


Whether to parse the solr documents as SolrObject or SolrDocument instances.


Was there an error during the request


Detailed message on http status


The request URL


A string of raw headers sent during the request.


The raw request sent to the server


Response headers from the Solr server.


The response message from the server.


The response in PHP serialized format.

Predefined Constants

SolrResponse Class Constants


Documents should be parsed as SolrObject instances


Documents should be parsed as SolrDocument instances.

The SolrQueryResponse class


Represents a response to a query request.

Class synopsis

final class SolrQueryResponse extends SolrResponse {
/* Constants */
const integer SolrQueryResponse::PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0 ;
const integer SolrQueryResponse::PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1 ;
/* Inherited properties */
const integer SolrResponse::PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0 ;
const integer SolrResponse::PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1 ;
protected integer $http_status ;
protected integer $parser_mode ;
protected bool $success ;
protected string $http_status_message ;
protected string $http_request_url ;
protected string $http_raw_request_headers ;
protected string $http_raw_request ;
protected string $http_raw_response_headers ;
protected string $http_raw_response ;
protected string $http_digested_response ;
/* Methods */
public __construct ( void )
public void __destruct ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
public string SolrResponse::getDigestedResponse ( void )
public int SolrResponse::getHttpStatus ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getHttpStatusMessage ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawRequest ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawRequestHeaders ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawResponse ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawResponseHeaders ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRequestUrl ( void )
public SolrObject SolrResponse::getResponse ( void )
public bool SolrResponse::setParseMode ([ int $parser_mode = 0 ] )
public bool SolrResponse::success ( void )

Predefined Constants

SolrQueryResponse Class constants


Documents should be parsed as SolrObject instances


Documents should be parsed as SolrDocument instances.

The SolrUpdateResponse class


Represents a response to an update request.

Class synopsis

final class SolrUpdateResponse extends SolrResponse {
/* Constants */
const integer SolrUpdateResponse::PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0 ;
const integer SolrUpdateResponse::PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1 ;
/* Inherited properties */
const integer SolrResponse::PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0 ;
const integer SolrResponse::PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1 ;
protected integer $http_status ;
protected integer $parser_mode ;
protected bool $success ;
protected string $http_status_message ;
protected string $http_request_url ;
protected string $http_raw_request_headers ;
protected string $http_raw_request ;
protected string $http_raw_response_headers ;
protected string $http_raw_response ;
protected string $http_digested_response ;
/* Methods */
public __construct ( void )
public void __destruct ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
public string SolrResponse::getDigestedResponse ( void )
public int SolrResponse::getHttpStatus ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getHttpStatusMessage ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawRequest ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawRequestHeaders ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawResponse ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawResponseHeaders ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRequestUrl ( void )
public SolrObject SolrResponse::getResponse ( void )
public bool SolrResponse::setParseMode ([ int $parser_mode = 0 ] )
public bool SolrResponse::success ( void )

Predefined Constants

SolrUpdateResponse Class Constants


Documents should be parsed as SolrObject instances


Documents should be parsed as SolrDocument instances.

The SolrPingResponse class


Represents a response to a ping request to the server

Class synopsis

final class SolrPingResponse extends SolrResponse {
/* Constants */
const integer SolrPingResponse::PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0 ;
const integer SolrPingResponse::PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1 ;
/* Properties */
/* Methods */
public __construct ( void )
public void __destruct ( void )
public string getResponse ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
public string SolrResponse::getDigestedResponse ( void )
public int SolrResponse::getHttpStatus ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getHttpStatusMessage ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawRequest ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawRequestHeaders ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawResponse ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawResponseHeaders ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRequestUrl ( void )
public SolrObject SolrResponse::getResponse ( void )
public bool SolrResponse::setParseMode ([ int $parser_mode = 0 ] )
public bool SolrResponse::success ( void )



The http status of the response.


Whether to parse the solr documents as SolrObject or SolrDocument instances.


Was there an error during the request


Detailed message on http status


The request URL


A string of raw headers sent during the request


The raw request sent to the server


Response headers from the Solr server


The response message from the server


The response in PHP serialized format.

Predefined Constants

SolrPingResponse Class Constants


Documents should be parsed as SolrObject instances


Documents should be parsed as SolrDocument instances.

The SolrGenericResponse class


Represents a response from the solr server.

Class synopsis

final class SolrGenericResponse extends SolrResponse {
/* Constants */
const integer SolrGenericResponse::PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0 ;
const integer SolrGenericResponse::PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1 ;
/* Inherited properties */
const integer SolrResponse::PARSE_SOLR_OBJ = 0 ;
const integer SolrResponse::PARSE_SOLR_DOC = 1 ;
protected integer $http_status ;
protected integer $parser_mode ;
protected bool $success ;
protected string $http_status_message ;
protected string $http_request_url ;
protected string $http_raw_request_headers ;
protected string $http_raw_request ;
protected string $http_raw_response_headers ;
protected string $http_raw_response ;
protected string $http_digested_response ;
/* Methods */
public __construct ( void )
public void __destruct ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
public string SolrResponse::getDigestedResponse ( void )
public int SolrResponse::getHttpStatus ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getHttpStatusMessage ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawRequest ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawRequestHeaders ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawResponse ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRawResponseHeaders ( void )
public string SolrResponse::getRequestUrl ( void )
public SolrObject SolrResponse::getResponse ( void )
public bool SolrResponse::setParseMode ([ int $parser_mode = 0 ] )
public bool SolrResponse::success ( void )

Predefined Constants

SolrGenericResponse Class constants


Documents should be parsed as SolrObject instances


Documents should be parsed as SolrDocument instances.

The SolrParams class


Represents a collection of name-value pairs sent to the Solr server during a request.

Class synopsis

abstract class SolrParams implements Serializable {
/* Methods */
final public SolrParams add ( string $name , string $value )
public SolrParams addParam ( string $name , string $value )
final public mixed get ( string $param_name )
final public mixed getParam ([ string $param_name ] )
final public array getParams ( void )
final public array getPreparedParams ( void )
final public string serialize ( void )
final public void set ( string $name , string $value )
public SolrParams setParam ( string $name , string $value )
final public string toString ([ bool $url_encode = false ] )
final public void unserialize ( string $serialized )

The SolrModifiableParams class


Represents a collection of name-value pairs sent to the Solr server during a request.

Class synopsis

class SolrModifiableParams extends SolrParams implements Serializable {
/* Methods */
public __construct ( void )
public void __destruct ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
final public SolrParams SolrParams::add ( string $name , string $value )
public SolrParams SolrParams::addParam ( string $name , string $value )
final public mixed SolrParams::get ( string $param_name )
final public mixed SolrParams::getParam ([ string $param_name ] )
final public array SolrParams::getParams ( void )
final public array SolrParams::getPreparedParams ( void )
final public string SolrParams::serialize ( void )
final public void SolrParams::set ( string $name , string $value )
public SolrParams SolrParams::setParam ( string $name , string $value )
final public string SolrParams::toString ([ bool $url_encode = false ] )
final public void SolrParams::unserialize ( string $serialized )

The SolrQuery class


Represents a collection of name-value pairs sent to the Solr server during a request.

Class synopsis

class SolrQuery extends SolrModifiableParams implements Serializable {
/* Constants */
const integer SolrQuery::ORDER_ASC = 0 ;
const integer SolrQuery::ORDER_DESC = 1 ;
const integer SolrQuery::FACET_SORT_INDEX = 0 ;
const integer SolrQuery::FACET_SORT_COUNT = 1 ;
const integer SolrQuery::TERMS_SORT_INDEX = 0 ;
const integer SolrQuery::TERMS_SORT_COUNT = 1 ;
/* Properties */
/* Methods */
public SolrQuery addExpandFilterQuery ( string $fq )
public SolrQuery addExpandSortField ( string $field [, string $order ] )
public SolrQuery addFacetDateField ( string $dateField )
public SolrQuery addFacetDateOther ( string $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery addFacetField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery addFacetQuery ( string $facetQuery )
public SolrQuery addField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery addFilterQuery ( string $fq )
public SolrQuery addGroupField ( string $value )
public SolrQuery addGroupFunction ( string $value )
public SolrQuery addGroupQuery ( string $value )
public SolrQuery addGroupSortField ( string $field [, integer $order ] )
public SolrQuery addHighlightField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery addMltField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery addMltQueryField ( string $field , float $boost )
public SolrQuery addSortField ( string $field [, int $order = SolrQuery::ORDER_DESC ] )
public SolrQuery addStatsFacet ( string $field )
public SolrQuery addStatsField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery collapse ( SolrCollapseFunction $collapseFunction )
public __construct ([ string $q ] )
public void __destruct ( void )
public bool getExpand ( void )
public array getExpandFilterQueries ( void )
public array getExpandQuery ( void )
public integer getExpandRows ( void )
public array getExpandSortFields ( void )
public bool getFacet ( void )
public string getFacetDateEnd ([ string $field_override ] )
public array getFacetDateFields ( void )
public string getFacetDateGap ([ string $field_override ] )
public string getFacetDateHardEnd ([ string $field_override ] )
public array getFacetDateOther ([ string $field_override ] )
public string getFacetDateStart ([ string $field_override ] )
public array getFacetFields ( void )
public int getFacetLimit ([ string $field_override ] )
public string getFacetMethod ([ string $field_override ] )
public int getFacetMinCount ([ string $field_override ] )
public bool getFacetMissing ([ string $field_override ] )
public int getFacetOffset ([ string $field_override ] )
public string getFacetPrefix ([ string $field_override ] )
public array getFacetQueries ( void )
public int getFacetSort ([ string $field_override ] )
public array getFields ( void )
public array getFilterQueries ( void )
public bool getGroup ( void )
public integer getGroupCachePercent ( void )
public bool getGroupFacet ( void )
public array getGroupFields ( void )
public string getGroupFormat ( void )
public array getGroupFunctions ( void )
public integer getGroupLimit ( void )
public bool getGroupMain ( void )
public bool getGroupNGroups ( void )
public integer getGroupOffset ( void )
public array getGroupQueries ( void )
public array getGroupSortFields ( void )
public bool getGroupTruncate ( void )
public bool getHighlight ( void )
public string getHighlightAlternateField ([ string $field_override ] )
public array getHighlightFields ( void )
public string getHighlightFormatter ([ string $field_override ] )
public string getHighlightFragmenter ([ string $field_override ] )
public int getHighlightFragsize ([ string $field_override ] )
public bool getHighlightHighlightMultiTerm ( void )
public int getHighlightMaxAlternateFieldLength ([ string $field_override ] )
public int getHighlightMaxAnalyzedChars ( void )
public bool getHighlightMergeContiguous ([ string $field_override ] )
public int getHighlightRegexMaxAnalyzedChars ( void )
public string getHighlightRegexPattern ( void )
public float getHighlightRegexSlop ( void )
public bool getHighlightRequireFieldMatch ( void )
public string getHighlightSimplePost ([ string $field_override ] )
public string getHighlightSimplePre ([ string $field_override ] )
public int getHighlightSnippets ([ string $field_override ] )
public bool getHighlightUsePhraseHighlighter ( void )
public bool getMlt ( void )
public bool getMltBoost ( void )
public int getMltCount ( void )
public array getMltFields ( void )
public int getMltMaxNumQueryTerms ( void )
public int getMltMaxNumTokens ( void )
public int getMltMaxWordLength ( void )
public int getMltMinDocFrequency ( void )
public int getMltMinTermFrequency ( void )
public int getMltMinWordLength ( void )
public array getMltQueryFields ( void )
public string getQuery ( void )
public int getRows ( void )
public array getSortFields ( void )
public int getStart ( void )
public bool getStats ( void )
public array getStatsFacets ( void )
public array getStatsFields ( void )
public bool getTerms ( void )
public string getTermsField ( void )
public bool getTermsIncludeLowerBound ( void )
public bool getTermsIncludeUpperBound ( void )
public int getTermsLimit ( void )
public string getTermsLowerBound ( void )
public int getTermsMaxCount ( void )
public int getTermsMinCount ( void )
public string getTermsPrefix ( void )
public bool getTermsReturnRaw ( void )
public int getTermsSort ( void )
public string getTermsUpperBound ( void )
public int getTimeAllowed ( void )
public SolrQuery removeExpandFilterQuery ( string $fq )
public SolrQuery removeExpandSortField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery removeFacetDateField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery removeFacetDateOther ( string $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery removeFacetField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery removeFacetQuery ( string $value )
public SolrQuery removeField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery removeFilterQuery ( string $fq )
public SolrQuery removeHighlightField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery removeMltField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery removeMltQueryField ( string $queryField )
public SolrQuery removeSortField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery removeStatsFacet ( string $value )
public SolrQuery removeStatsField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery setEchoHandler ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setEchoParams ( string $type )
public SolrQuery setExpand ( bool $value )
public SolrQuery setExpandQuery ( string $q )
public SolrQuery setExpandRows ( integer $value )
public SolrQuery setExplainOther ( string $query )
public SolrQuery setFacet ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setFacetDateEnd ( string $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetDateGap ( string $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetDateHardEnd ( bool $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetDateStart ( string $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetEnumCacheMinDefaultFrequency ( int $frequency [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetLimit ( int $limit [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetMethod ( string $method [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetMinCount ( int $mincount [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetMissing ( bool $flag [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetOffset ( int $offset [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetPrefix ( string $prefix [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setFacetSort ( int $facetSort [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setGroup ( bool $value )
public SolrQuery setGroupCachePercent ( integer $percent )
public SolrQuery setGroupFacet ( bool $value )
public SolrQuery setGroupFormat ( string $value )
public SolrQuery setGroupLimit ( integer $value )
public SolrQuery setGroupMain ( string $value )
public SolrQuery setGroupNGroups ( bool $value )
public SolrQuery setGroupOffset ( integer $value )
public SolrQuery setGroupTruncate ( bool $value )
public SolrQuery setHighlight ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setHighlightAlternateField ( string $field [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setHighlightFormatter ( string $formatter [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setHighlightFragmenter ( string $fragmenter [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setHighlightFragsize ( int $size [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setHighlightHighlightMultiTerm ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setHighlightMaxAlternateFieldLength ( int $fieldLength [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setHighlightMaxAnalyzedChars ( int $value )
public SolrQuery setHighlightMergeContiguous ( bool $flag [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setHighlightRegexMaxAnalyzedChars ( int $maxAnalyzedChars )
public SolrQuery setHighlightRegexPattern ( string $value )
public SolrQuery setHighlightRegexSlop ( float $factor )
public SolrQuery setHighlightRequireFieldMatch ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setHighlightSimplePost ( string $simplePost [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setHighlightSimplePre ( string $simplePre [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setHighlightSnippets ( int $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery setHighlightUsePhraseHighlighter ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setMlt ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setMltBoost ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setMltCount ( int $count )
public SolrQuery setMltMaxNumQueryTerms ( int $value )
public SolrQuery setMltMaxNumTokens ( int $value )
public SolrQuery setMltMaxWordLength ( int $maxWordLength )
public SolrQuery setMltMinDocFrequency ( int $minDocFrequency )
public SolrQuery setMltMinTermFrequency ( int $minTermFrequency )
public SolrQuery setMltMinWordLength ( int $minWordLength )
public SolrQuery setOmitHeader ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setQuery ( string $query )
public SolrQuery setRows ( int $rows )
public SolrQuery setShowDebugInfo ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setStart ( int $start )
public SolrQuery setStats ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setTerms ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setTermsField ( string $fieldname )
public SolrQuery setTermsIncludeLowerBound ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setTermsIncludeUpperBound ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setTermsLimit ( int $limit )
public SolrQuery setTermsLowerBound ( string $lowerBound )
public SolrQuery setTermsMaxCount ( int $frequency )
public SolrQuery setTermsMinCount ( int $frequency )
public SolrQuery setTermsPrefix ( string $prefix )
public SolrQuery setTermsReturnRaw ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery setTermsSort ( int $sortType )
public SolrQuery setTermsUpperBound ( string $upperBound )
public SolrQuery setTimeAllowed ( int $timeAllowed )
/* Inherited methods */
public SolrModifiableParams::__construct ( void )
public void SolrModifiableParams::__destruct ( void )

Predefined Constants


Used to specify that the sorting should be in acending order


Used to specify that the sorting should be in descending order


Used to specify that the facet should sort by index


Used to specify that the facet should sort by count


Used in the TermsComponent


Used in the TermsComponent

The SolrDisMaxQuery class


Class synopsis

class SolrDisMaxQuery extends SolrQuery implements Serializable {
/* Inherited properties */
const integer SolrQuery::ORDER_ASC = 0 ;
const integer SolrQuery::ORDER_DESC = 1 ;
const integer SolrQuery::FACET_SORT_INDEX = 0 ;
const integer SolrQuery::FACET_SORT_COUNT = 1 ;
const integer SolrQuery::TERMS_SORT_INDEX = 0 ;
const integer SolrQuery::TERMS_SORT_COUNT = 1 ;
/* Methods */
public SolrDisMaxQuery addBigramPhraseField ( string $field , string $boost [, string $slop ] )
public SolrDisMaxQuery addBoostQuery ( string $field , string $value [, string $boost ] )
public SolrDisMaxQuery addPhraseField ( string $field , string $boost [, string $slop ] )
public SolrDisMaxQuery addQueryField ( string $field [, string $boost ] )
public SolrDisMaxQuery addTrigramPhraseField ( string $field , string $boost [, string $slop ] )
public SolrDisMaxQuery addUserField ( string $field )
public __construct ([ string $q ] )
public SolrDisMaxQuery removeBigramPhraseField ( string $field )
public SolrDisMaxQuery removeBoostQuery ( string $field )
public SolrDisMaxQuery removePhraseField ( string $field )
public SolrDisMaxQuery removeQueryField ( string $field )
public SolrDisMaxQuery removeTrigramPhraseField ( string $field )
public SolrDisMaxQuery removeUserField ( string $field )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setBigramPhraseFields ( string $fields )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setBigramPhraseSlop ( string $slop )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setBoostFunction ( string $function )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setBoostQuery ( string $q )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setMinimumMatch ( string $value )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setPhraseFields ( string $fields )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setPhraseSlop ( string $slop )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setQueryAlt ( string $q )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setQueryPhraseSlop ( string $slop )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setTieBreaker ( string $tieBreaker )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setTrigramPhraseFields ( string $fields )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setTrigramPhraseSlop ( string $slop )
public SolrDisMaxQuery setUserFields ( string $fields )
public SolrDisMaxQuery useDisMaxQueryParser ( void )
public SolrDisMaxQuery useEDisMaxQueryParser ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addExpandFilterQuery ( string $fq )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addExpandSortField ( string $field [, string $order ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addFacetDateField ( string $dateField )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addFacetDateOther ( string $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addFacetField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addFacetQuery ( string $facetQuery )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addFilterQuery ( string $fq )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addGroupField ( string $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addGroupFunction ( string $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addGroupQuery ( string $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addGroupSortField ( string $field [, integer $order ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addHighlightField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addMltField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addMltQueryField ( string $field , float $boost )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addSortField ( string $field [, int $order = SolrQuery::ORDER_DESC ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addStatsFacet ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::addStatsField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::collapse ( SolrCollapseFunction $collapseFunction )
public SolrQuery::__construct ([ string $q ] )
public void SolrQuery::__destruct ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getExpand ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getExpandFilterQueries ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getExpandQuery ( void )
public integer SolrQuery::getExpandRows ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getExpandSortFields ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getFacet ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getFacetDateEnd ([ string $field_override ] )
public array SolrQuery::getFacetDateFields ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getFacetDateGap ([ string $field_override ] )
public string SolrQuery::getFacetDateHardEnd ([ string $field_override ] )
public array SolrQuery::getFacetDateOther ([ string $field_override ] )
public string SolrQuery::getFacetDateStart ([ string $field_override ] )
public array SolrQuery::getFacetFields ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getFacetLimit ([ string $field_override ] )
public string SolrQuery::getFacetMethod ([ string $field_override ] )
public int SolrQuery::getFacetMinCount ([ string $field_override ] )
public bool SolrQuery::getFacetMissing ([ string $field_override ] )
public int SolrQuery::getFacetOffset ([ string $field_override ] )
public string SolrQuery::getFacetPrefix ([ string $field_override ] )
public array SolrQuery::getFacetQueries ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getFacetSort ([ string $field_override ] )
public array SolrQuery::getFields ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getFilterQueries ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getGroup ( void )
public integer SolrQuery::getGroupCachePercent ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getGroupFacet ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getGroupFields ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getGroupFormat ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getGroupFunctions ( void )
public integer SolrQuery::getGroupLimit ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getGroupMain ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getGroupNGroups ( void )
public integer SolrQuery::getGroupOffset ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getGroupQueries ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getGroupSortFields ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getGroupTruncate ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getHighlight ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getHighlightAlternateField ([ string $field_override ] )
public array SolrQuery::getHighlightFields ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getHighlightFormatter ([ string $field_override ] )
public string SolrQuery::getHighlightFragmenter ([ string $field_override ] )
public int SolrQuery::getHighlightFragsize ([ string $field_override ] )
public bool SolrQuery::getHighlightHighlightMultiTerm ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getHighlightMaxAlternateFieldLength ([ string $field_override ] )
public int SolrQuery::getHighlightMaxAnalyzedChars ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getHighlightMergeContiguous ([ string $field_override ] )
public int SolrQuery::getHighlightRegexMaxAnalyzedChars ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getHighlightRegexPattern ( void )
public float SolrQuery::getHighlightRegexSlop ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getHighlightRequireFieldMatch ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getHighlightSimplePost ([ string $field_override ] )
public string SolrQuery::getHighlightSimplePre ([ string $field_override ] )
public int SolrQuery::getHighlightSnippets ([ string $field_override ] )
public bool SolrQuery::getHighlightUsePhraseHighlighter ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getMlt ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getMltBoost ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getMltCount ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getMltFields ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getMltMaxNumQueryTerms ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getMltMaxNumTokens ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getMltMaxWordLength ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getMltMinDocFrequency ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getMltMinTermFrequency ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getMltMinWordLength ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getMltQueryFields ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getQuery ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getRows ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getSortFields ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getStart ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getStats ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getStatsFacets ( void )
public array SolrQuery::getStatsFields ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getTerms ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getTermsField ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getTermsIncludeLowerBound ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getTermsIncludeUpperBound ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getTermsLimit ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getTermsLowerBound ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getTermsMaxCount ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getTermsMinCount ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getTermsPrefix ( void )
public bool SolrQuery::getTermsReturnRaw ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getTermsSort ( void )
public string SolrQuery::getTermsUpperBound ( void )
public int SolrQuery::getTimeAllowed ( void )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeExpandFilterQuery ( string $fq )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeExpandSortField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeFacetDateField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeFacetDateOther ( string $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeFacetField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeFacetQuery ( string $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeFilterQuery ( string $fq )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeHighlightField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeMltField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeMltQueryField ( string $queryField )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeSortField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeStatsFacet ( string $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::removeStatsField ( string $field )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setEchoHandler ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setEchoParams ( string $type )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setExpand ( bool $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setExpandQuery ( string $q )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setExpandRows ( integer $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setExplainOther ( string $query )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacet ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetDateEnd ( string $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetDateGap ( string $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetDateHardEnd ( bool $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetDateStart ( string $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetEnumCacheMinDefaultFrequency ( int $frequency [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetLimit ( int $limit [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetMethod ( string $method [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetMinCount ( int $mincount [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetMissing ( bool $flag [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetOffset ( int $offset [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetPrefix ( string $prefix [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setFacetSort ( int $facetSort [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setGroup ( bool $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setGroupCachePercent ( integer $percent )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setGroupFacet ( bool $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setGroupFormat ( string $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setGroupLimit ( integer $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setGroupMain ( string $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setGroupNGroups ( bool $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setGroupOffset ( integer $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setGroupTruncate ( bool $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlight ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightAlternateField ( string $field [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightFormatter ( string $formatter [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightFragmenter ( string $fragmenter [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightFragsize ( int $size [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightHighlightMultiTerm ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightMaxAlternateFieldLength ( int $fieldLength [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightMaxAnalyzedChars ( int $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightMergeContiguous ( bool $flag [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightRegexMaxAnalyzedChars ( int $maxAnalyzedChars )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightRegexPattern ( string $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightRegexSlop ( float $factor )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightRequireFieldMatch ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightSimplePost ( string $simplePost [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightSimplePre ( string $simplePre [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightSnippets ( int $value [, string $field_override ] )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setHighlightUsePhraseHighlighter ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setMlt ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setMltBoost ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setMltCount ( int $count )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setMltMaxNumQueryTerms ( int $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setMltMaxNumTokens ( int $value )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setMltMaxWordLength ( int $maxWordLength )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setMltMinDocFrequency ( int $minDocFrequency )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setMltMinTermFrequency ( int $minTermFrequency )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setMltMinWordLength ( int $minWordLength )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setOmitHeader ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setQuery ( string $query )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setRows ( int $rows )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setShowDebugInfo ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setStart ( int $start )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setStats ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTerms ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsField ( string $fieldname )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsIncludeLowerBound ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsIncludeUpperBound ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsLimit ( int $limit )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsLowerBound ( string $lowerBound )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsMaxCount ( int $frequency )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsMinCount ( int $frequency )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsPrefix ( string $prefix )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsReturnRaw ( bool $flag )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsSort ( int $sortType )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTermsUpperBound ( string $upperBound )
public SolrQuery SolrQuery::setTimeAllowed ( int $timeAllowed )

Predefined Constants


Used to specify that the sorting should be in acending order (Duplicated for easier migration)


Used to specify that the sorting should be in descending order (Duplicated for easier migration)


Used to specify that the facet should sort by index (Duplicated for easier migration)


Used to specify that the facet should sort by count (Duplicated for easier migration)


Used in the TermsComponent (Duplicated for easier migration)


Used in the TermsComponent (Duplicated for easier migration)

The SolrCollapseFunction class


Class synopsis

class SolrCollapseFunction {
/* Constants */
const string SolrCollapseFunction::NULLPOLICY_IGNORE = ignore ;
const string SolrCollapseFunction::NULLPOLICY_EXPAND = expand ;
const string SolrCollapseFunction::NULLPOLICY_COLLAPSE = collapse ;
/* Methods */
public __construct ([ string $field ] )
public string getField ( void )
public string getHint ( void )
public string getMax ( void )
public string getMin ( void )
public string getNullPolicy ( void )
public integer getSize ( void )
public SolrCollapseFunction setField ( string $fieldName )
public SolrCollapseFunction setHint ( string $hint )
public SolrCollapseFunction setMax ( string $max )
public SolrCollapseFunction setMin ( string $min )
public SolrCollapseFunction setNullPolicy ( string $nullPolicy )
public SolrCollapseFunction setSize ( integer $size )
public string __toString ( void )

Predefined Constants




The SolrException class


This is the base class for all exception thrown by the Solr extension classes.

Class synopsis

class SolrException extends Exception {
/* Properties */
protected integer $sourceline ;
protected string $sourcefile ;
protected string $zif_name ;
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
/* Methods */
public array getInternalInfo ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
final public string Exception::getMessage ( void )
final public Throwable Exception::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Exception::getCode ( void )
final public string Exception::getFile ( void )
final public int Exception::getLine ( void )
final public array Exception::getTrace ( void )
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Exception::__toString ( void )
final private void Exception::__clone ( void )



The line in c-space source file where exception was generated


The c-space source file where exception was generated


The c-space function where exception was generated

The SolrClientException class


An exception thrown when there is an error while making a request to the server from the client.

Class synopsis

class SolrClientException extends SolrException {
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
protected integer $sourceline ;
protected string $sourcefile ;
protected string $zif_name ;
/* Methods */
public array getInternalInfo ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
final public string Exception::getMessage ( void )
final public Throwable Exception::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Exception::getCode ( void )
final public string Exception::getFile ( void )
final public int Exception::getLine ( void )
final public array Exception::getTrace ( void )
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Exception::__toString ( void )
final private void Exception::__clone ( void )
public array SolrException::getInternalInfo ( void )

The SolrServerException class


An exception thrown when there is an error produced by the Solr Server itself.

Class synopsis

class SolrServerException extends SolrException {
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
protected integer $sourceline ;
protected string $sourcefile ;
protected string $zif_name ;
/* Methods */
public array getInternalInfo ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
final public string Exception::getMessage ( void )
final public Throwable Exception::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Exception::getCode ( void )
final public string Exception::getFile ( void )
final public int Exception::getLine ( void )
final public array Exception::getTrace ( void )
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Exception::__toString ( void )
final private void Exception::__clone ( void )
public array SolrException::getInternalInfo ( void )

The SolrIllegalArgumentException class


This object is thrown when an illegal or invalid argument is passed to a method.

Class synopsis

class SolrIllegalArgumentException extends SolrException {
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
protected integer $sourceline ;
protected string $sourcefile ;
protected string $zif_name ;
/* Methods */
public array getInternalInfo ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
final public string Exception::getMessage ( void )
final public Throwable Exception::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Exception::getCode ( void )
final public string Exception::getFile ( void )
final public int Exception::getLine ( void )
final public array Exception::getTrace ( void )
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Exception::__toString ( void )
final private void Exception::__clone ( void )
public array SolrException::getInternalInfo ( void )

The SolrIllegalOperationException class


This object is thrown when an illegal or unsupported operation is performed on an object.

Class synopsis

class SolrIllegalOperationException extends SolrException {
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
protected integer $sourceline ;
protected string $sourcefile ;
protected string $zif_name ;
/* Methods */
public array getInternalInfo ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
final public string Exception::getMessage ( void )
final public Throwable Exception::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Exception::getCode ( void )
final public string Exception::getFile ( void )
final public int Exception::getLine ( void )
final public array Exception::getTrace ( void )
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Exception::__toString ( void )
final private void Exception::__clone ( void )
public array SolrException::getInternalInfo ( void )

The SolrMissingMandatoryParameterException class


Class synopsis

class SolrMissingMandatoryParameterException extends SolrException {
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
protected integer $sourceline ;
protected string $sourcefile ;
protected string $zif_name ;
/* Inherited methods */
final public string Exception::getMessage ( void )
final public Throwable Exception::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Exception::getCode ( void )
final public string Exception::getFile ( void )
final public int Exception::getLine ( void )
final public array Exception::getTrace ( void )
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Exception::__toString ( void )
final private void Exception::__clone ( void )
public array SolrException::getInternalInfo ( void )