
Table of Contents

The Phar class


The Phar class provides a high-level interface to accessing and creating phar archives.

Class synopsis

class Phar extends RecursiveDirectoryIterator implements Countable , ArrayAccess {
/* Methods */
public void addEmptyDir ( string $dirname )
public void addFile ( string $file [, string $localname ] )
public void addFromString ( string $localname , string $contents )
final public static string apiVersion ( void )
public array buildFromDirectory ( string $base_dir [, string $regex ] )
public array buildFromIterator ( Iterator $iter [, string $base_directory ] )
final public static bool canCompress ([ int $type = 0 ] )
final public static bool canWrite ( void )
public object compress ( int $compression [, string $extension ] )
public bool compressAllFilesBZIP2 ( void )
public bool compressAllFilesGZ ( void )
public void compressFiles ( int $compression )
public __construct ( string $fname [, int $flags [, string $alias ]] )
public PharData convertToData ([ int $format = 9021976 [, int $compression = 9021976 [, string $extension ]]] )
public Phar convertToExecutable ([ int $format = 9021976 [, int $compression = 9021976 [, string $extension ]]] )
public bool copy ( string $oldfile , string $newfile )
public int count ( void )
final public static string createDefaultStub ([ string $indexfile [, string $webindexfile ]] )
public object decompress ([ string $extension ] )
public bool decompressFiles ( void )
public bool delMetadata ( void )
public bool delete ( string $entry )
public bool extractTo ( string $pathto [, string|array $files [, bool $overwrite = false ]] )
public mixed getMetadata ( void )
public bool getModified ( void )
public array getSignature ( void )
public string getStub ( void )
final public static array getSupportedCompression ( void )
final public static array getSupportedSignatures ( void )
public string getVersion ( void )
public bool hasMetadata ( void )
final public static void interceptFileFuncs ( void )
public bool isBuffering ( void )
public mixed isCompressed ( void )
public bool isFileFormat ( int $format )
final public static bool isValidPharFilename ( string $filename [, bool $executable = true ] )
public bool isWritable ( void )
final public static bool loadPhar ( string $filename [, string $alias ] )
final public static bool mapPhar ([ string $alias [, int $dataoffset = 0 ]] )
final public static void mount ( string $pharpath , string $externalpath )
final public static void mungServer ( array $munglist )
public bool offsetExists ( string $offset )
public int offsetGet ( string $offset )
public void offsetSet ( string $offset , string $value )
public bool offsetUnset ( string $offset )
final public static string running ([ bool $retphar = true ] )
public bool setAlias ( string $alias )
public bool setDefaultStub ([ string $index [, string $webindex ]] )
public void setMetadata ( mixed $metadata )
public void setSignatureAlgorithm ( int $sigtype [, string $privatekey ] )
public bool setStub ( string $stub [, int $len = -1 ] )
public void startBuffering ( void )
public void stopBuffering ( void )
public bool uncompressAllFiles ( void )
final public static bool unlinkArchive ( string $archive )
final public static void webPhar ([ string $alias [, string $index = "index.php" [, string $f404 [, array $mimetypes [, callable $rewrites ]]]]] )

The PharData class


The PharData class provides a high-level interface to accessing and creating non-executable tar and zip archives. Because these archives do not contain a stub and cannot be executed by the phar extension, it is possible to create and manipulate regular zip and tar files using the PharData class even if phar.readonly php.ini setting is 1.

Class synopsis

class PharData extends Phar {
/* Methods */
bool addEmptyDir ( string $dirname )
public void Phar::addFile ( string $file [, string $localname ] )
bool addFromString ( string $localname , string $contents )
public array Phar::buildFromDirectory ( string $base_dir [, string $regex ] )
array buildFromIterator ( Iterator $iter [, string $base_directory ] )
object compress ( int $compression [, string $extension ] )
bool compressFiles ( int $compression )
__construct ( string $fname [, int $flags [, string $alias [, int $format = Phar::TAR ]]] )
PharData convertToData ([ int $format [, int $compression [, string $extension ]]] )
Phar convertToExecutable ([ int $format [, int $compression [, string $extension ]]] )
bool copy ( string $oldfile , string $newfile )
object decompress ([ string $extension ] )
bool decompressFiles ( void )
bool delMetadata ( void )
bool delete ( string $entry )
bool extractTo ( string $pathto [, string|array $files [, bool $overwrite = false ]] )
bool isWritable ( void )
void offsetSet ( string $offset , string $value )
bool offsetUnset ( string $offset )
bool setAlias ( string $alias )
bool setDefaultStub ([ string $index [, string $webindex ]] )
public void Phar::setMetadata ( mixed $metadata )
public void Phar::setSignatureAlgorithm ( int $sigtype )
bool setStub ( string $stub [, int $len = -1 ] )
/* Inherited methods */
public void Phar::addEmptyDir ( string $dirname )
public void Phar::addFile ( string $file [, string $localname ] )
public void Phar::addFromString ( string $localname , string $contents )
final public static string Phar::apiVersion ( void )
public array Phar::buildFromDirectory ( string $base_dir [, string $regex ] )
public array Phar::buildFromIterator ( Iterator $iter [, string $base_directory ] )
final public static bool Phar::canCompress ([ int $type = 0 ] )
final public static bool Phar::canWrite ( void )
public object Phar::compress ( int $compression [, string $extension ] )
public bool Phar::compressAllFilesBZIP2 ( void )
public bool Phar::compressAllFilesGZ ( void )
public void Phar::compressFiles ( int $compression )
public Phar::__construct ( string $fname [, int $flags [, string $alias ]] )
public PharData Phar::convertToData ([ int $format = 9021976 [, int $compression = 9021976 [, string $extension ]]] )
public Phar Phar::convertToExecutable ([ int $format = 9021976 [, int $compression = 9021976 [, string $extension ]]] )
public bool Phar::copy ( string $oldfile , string $newfile )
public int Phar::count ( void )
final public static string Phar::createDefaultStub ([ string $indexfile [, string $webindexfile ]] )
public object Phar::decompress ([ string $extension ] )
public bool Phar::decompressFiles ( void )
public bool Phar::delMetadata ( void )
public bool Phar::delete ( string $entry )
public bool Phar::extractTo ( string $pathto [, string|array $files [, bool $overwrite = false ]] )
public mixed Phar::getMetadata ( void )
public bool Phar::getModified ( void )
public array Phar::getSignature ( void )
public string Phar::getStub ( void )
final public static array Phar::getSupportedCompression ( void )
final public static array Phar::getSupportedSignatures ( void )
public string Phar::getVersion ( void )
public bool Phar::hasMetadata ( void )
final public static void Phar::interceptFileFuncs ( void )
public bool Phar::isBuffering ( void )
public mixed Phar::isCompressed ( void )
public bool Phar::isFileFormat ( int $format )
final public static bool Phar::isValidPharFilename ( string $filename [, bool $executable = true ] )
public bool Phar::isWritable ( void )
final public static bool Phar::loadPhar ( string $filename [, string $alias ] )
final public static bool Phar::mapPhar ([ string $alias [, int $dataoffset = 0 ]] )
final public static void Phar::mount ( string $pharpath , string $externalpath )
final public static void Phar::mungServer ( array $munglist )
public bool Phar::offsetExists ( string $offset )
public int Phar::offsetGet ( string $offset )
public void Phar::offsetSet ( string $offset , string $value )
public bool Phar::offsetUnset ( string $offset )
final public static string Phar::running ([ bool $retphar = true ] )
public bool Phar::setAlias ( string $alias )
public bool Phar::setDefaultStub ([ string $index [, string $webindex ]] )
public void Phar::setMetadata ( mixed $metadata )
public void Phar::setSignatureAlgorithm ( int $sigtype [, string $privatekey ] )
public bool Phar::setStub ( string $stub [, int $len = -1 ] )
public void Phar::startBuffering ( void )
public void Phar::stopBuffering ( void )
public bool Phar::uncompressAllFiles ( void )
final public static bool Phar::unlinkArchive ( string $archive )
final public static void Phar::webPhar ([ string $alias [, string $index = "index.php" [, string $f404 [, array $mimetypes [, callable $rewrites ]]]]] )

The PharFileInfo class


The PharFileInfo class provides a high-level interface to the contents and attributes of a single file within a phar archive.

Class synopsis

class PharFileInfo extends SplFileInfo {
/* Methods */
public void chmod ( int $permissions )
public bool compress ( int $compression )
public __construct ( string $entry )
public bool decompress ( void )
public bool delMetadata ( void )
public int getCRC32 ( void )
public int getCompressedSize ( void )
public mixed getMetadata ( void )
public int getPharFlags ( void )
public bool hasMetadata ( void )
public bool isCRCChecked ( void )
public bool isCompressed ([ int $compression_type = 9021976 ] )
public bool isCompressedBZIP2 ( void )
public bool isCompressedGZ ( void )
public bool setCompressedBZIP2 ( void )
public bool setCompressedGZ ( void )
public void setMetadata ( mixed $metadata )
public bool setUncompressed ( void )

The PharException class


The PharException class provides a phar-specific exception class for try/catch blocks.

Class synopsis

class PharException extends Exception {
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
/* Inherited methods */
final public string Exception::getMessage ( void )
final public Throwable Exception::getPrevious ( void )
final public mixed Exception::getCode ( void )
final public string Exception::getFile ( void )
final public int Exception::getLine ( void )
final public array Exception::getTrace ( void )
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString ( void )
public string Exception::__toString ( void )
final private void Exception::__clone ( void )